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Applying for School Places
For Lancashire resident families who will require a primary school place the means of application is via Lancashire's on-line system by clicking on the link below (then search "primary school admissions")
It is quick and easy to use and offers an email receipt of all submitted applications. Please ensure that you hit the "submit" button when you are ready to send in your completed on-line application. You must apply even if you already have siblings at your preferred school. If you live in Lancashire you can include out of area preferences on your application on-line.
Admissions Criteria for Roughlee Church of England Primary School
The number of places available in each year group is 7.
If applying for a school place, you can:
Apply online by clicking on the link above or please contact the school on 01282 613613 or email:
Criteria for admission:
When a school is oversubscribed on parental preferences, then the following priorites apply in order:
1.Children in public care at the time when preferences are expressed and who are still in public care at the time of their admission to school, and those who have been previously looked after, then
2.Children for whom the Local Authority accepts that there are exceptional medical, social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school concerned, then
3.Children with older brothers and sisters attending the school when the younger child will start, then
4.Remaining places are allocated according to where a child lives. Those living nearest to the preferred school by a straight line (radial) measure will have priority.
The distance criterion which will be used as the tie breaker if there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria is a straight line (radial) measure. If the Local Authority is unable to distinguish between applicants using the published criteria (eg twins or same block of flats) places will be offered via a random draw.
For further information, please use the link above.
Visiting School
We are more than happy to welcome visitors to come and look around the school.
To book an appointment, please email Miss Lord on
In Year Admissions
In Year Admissions are admissions to school that take place outside the normal admissions rounds (i.e. Reception and Year 7).
If you are interested in transferring your child to our school and wish to see if we have available places, please contact Miss Lord on
If you want to move your child from their current school to our school, your application should be made directly to our school using the 'In Year Admission Application Form' below and the child will be admitted where there are available places. Your application will be acknowledged upon receipt and we will advise you of the outcome within a maximum of 15 school days.
Where places are available, but we have more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria will be applied, to ensure the correct child/children are offered the places. If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list and you have
the right of appeal. Please see below for appeal information. Please note, that the waiting list does NOT guarantee a place at our school and if your child is currently not in education you should either make an appeal to our school and/or apply for a place at an alternative school.
The school's admission appeals are supported by Lancashire County Council. If the Governing body cannot offer a school place, parents have the right to make an appeal.
This appeal should be submitted using the link below within twenty days of refusal of admission. The appeal provides you with an opportunity to explain why you wish to register your child at our school. The appeal forms and advice on how to complete them is available on the Lancashire County Council.
Lancashire County Council will contact you in respect of your appeal application and inform you of the arrangements. The outcome of the appeal will be notified to you in writing.
The decision of the Independent Appeal Panel is binding to all parties, i.e. the family and the school. Please note that this right of appeal against the Governors’ decision does not prevent you from making an appeal in respect of any other school.