

Roughlee is an 'Excellent ' school (SIAMS Inspection)
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Roughlee Church of England Primary School

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Before/After School Provisions

Breakfast Club

At Roughlee CE Primary School, we are delighted to offer a FREE Breakfast provision in school for our children. 

The breakfast, that is provided by the National School Breakfast Programme runs from 8.30am to 8.50am and includes bagels with toppings and a variety of cereals. 

The National School Breakfast Programme is funded by the Department for Education and run by Family Action to support schools in England to provide children with a healthy breakfast at the start of the school day.

After School Club

Our After School Clubs run Monday-Friday 3.30-4.30pm. 


Children are welcome to attend the After School Club each day for free if booked in advance. If not booked in advance, there is a small fee of £2.00 per child. 


School Address

O Roughlee Church of England Primary School Blacko Bar Road, Roughlee, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 6NX UK